

  1. Introduction to Bash

    This article is an introduction to the basics of Bash for beginners

  2. Vim Cheatsheet

    A quick cheetsheet for vim editor, includes vim commands for navigation, editing, and managing files

  3. Vi Cheatsheet

    Cheatsheet for vi editor, includes, vi commands for navigation, editing, and managing files

  4. Vim tutor

    A hands on beginner’s tutorial page for vim editor, it covers the basics for editing and managing files

  5. Regex Cheatsheet

    This page provides an overall cheat sheet of all the capabilities of RegExp syntax.

  6. Bash Cheatsheet

    This is a quick reference to getting started with Bash scripting.

  7. Markdown Cheatsheet

    A quick cheatsheet for making markdowns

  8. Bash Scripting Tutorial

    A beginner’s guide to bash scripting

  9. Ubuntu vs Debian

    This site elaborates the diffrences beetween two popular Linux distributions, Ubuntu and Debian

  10. Virtual Machine Guide

    This site provides a guide on how to create and use virtual machines